Joshua 2
Today's Scripture
Rahab risked a lot by hiding the Israeli spies who came to her for refuge. She feared the God of Israel, and was willing to help them in spite of any consequences that would come from her own people.
God works in amazing ways. Who would have thought that a prostitute such as Rahab would be a God-fearing woman who would help men of God? Who would have thought that these men would trust someone like that with their lives, and that she advised and protected them?
In return, the men agreed to spare her life and that of her family's when they returned to take the city for themselves. Rahab tied a red cord in her window as a sign to all Israel that she was the one who has rescued the men. She also gave them valuable information--explaining how all her people were afraid of Israel and especially their God, because they had heard about their victories in the desert as they approached Canaan.
What out-of-the ordinary ways does God work in our lives? Perhaps we should seek answers to prayer in unusual places or people. God can work through anyone at any time in any place. Our job is to trust him.
Joshua 1
Today's Scripture
The book of Joshua begins after the death of Moses. Moses was the leader of the Israelites for 40 years, bringing them to the brink of the promised land. Now the land lies before God's people--they only have to follow God's leading as they enter. Joshua is Moses' successor--he will now bring the people all the way into the land so they may possess it.
Even though Joshua knew God would be with him and trusted the Lord, the prospect of going on without Moses, and entering unknown territory, must have been frightening. The Lord reassured Joshua several times. Three times God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous--once be strong and very courageous--and one time the people answer him that they will be faithful in listening to him and that he should be strong and courageous.
God promised that he would be with Joshua as we was with Moses. This same God is also with us every day. Some days take more courage to face than others. In those difficult times, when others around us seem to fail us, God asks us to take courage and place our faith in him. He can see us through any difficulty and give us wisdom when we ask. We may not be asked to follow in the footsteps of Moses as Joshua was, but we may have our own difficult choices to make or leading of others to do. With God as our ultimate guide, how can we fail?
Galatians 6:11-18
Today's Scripture
Paul wants to emphasize his summary at the end of the letter to the Galatians--pointing out to them that he is writing in his own hand--not that of a scribe's. He wants to give credibility to his writing and make his point strongly. We are not to live outwardly to gain favor with people--what matters is what we are inside. What counts is that we are a new creation in Christ Jesus, not that we follow legalistic rules.
Paul closes with a message of peace, mercy and grace, and calls the Galatians his brothers. Even though his words are sometimes candid and perhaps harsh, he loves this church and wants so badly for them to walk in the ways of Jesus, not the world.
Galatians 6:1-10
Today's Scripture
It's not easy to confront someone we care about when we see them doing wrong. We all know our own weaknesses and can easily brush aside others sins as just "the human condition." But it is important to hold one another accountable, teaching and disciplining in love, and restoring others gently--being careful not to fall ourselves.
Helping teenagers follow the narrow path to heaven is often difficult. But, as Paul says here, we must not become weary in doing good--in pointing the way away from sin. And as we do good to others by helping them in a variety of ways, we are pleasing to God and reflect his goodness to all.
Galatians 5:16-26
Today's Scripture
We have Philippians 4:8 stenciled around the top of the walls of our office (where I sit). It says "Brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on these things." This is good advice for godly thinking. Galatians 5:22-23 is good advice for spirit living: having the fruit of the spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. This holy thinking and living is in direct contrast to the ways of the world which Paul also lists--sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. (vs 19b-21, NIV)
Some days are harder than other to live according to the Spirit. I find that the challenges of parenting teenagers doesn't always lead me to be peaceful, joyful, patient, gentle or full of self-control. Yet if I want my children to exhibit these spirit qualities and not the qualities of the world, I should embrace them for myself. Every day--day by day. Every minute--minute by minute. Each second. Lord, help me to be mindful of you throughout the seconds, minutes and hours of every day.
Galatians 5:1-15
Today's Scripture
Paul continues on his theme of freedom in Christ. He did not want to see the Galatians fall into the trap of legalism, following old traditions as a way of seeking to get closer to God. Christ had paid for all their sins--they did not need to work for salvation--and neither do we.
So then, the temptation is to live in total abandonment and not worry about how we live at all. But Paul says we should not use our freedom to indulge the sinful acts, but we should serve one another in love. We can be truly free as we love our neighbor as ourselves, rather than tearing one another down.
Freedom from sin, freedom to love and serve. That is true abandonment of slavery and living a life that is abundant.
Galatians 4:21-31
Today's Scripture
Our dog has had bad allergies for the past couple of weeks, and I finally took him to the vet on Saturday. After a medicated shampoo and creme rinse, pills and eye drops, he finally started improving on the second day of taking medicine. He had been enslaved to his sickness--and whenever he went outdoors--a place dogs should love to go--he was as miserable as a prisoner in the ragweed filled world.
Loving care and treatment has given Raven, our German shepherd mix, freedom. He was a slave to his misery, but now he has freedom again to enjoy the outdoors.
We have been set free in Christ. Before this freedom, we were slaves to an old life of sin that entrapped us. Now we can live lives of victory and joy, because of the wonderful gift of Jesus. Let us live as free people, enjoying the world around us. For we are no longer bond to sin, but are released to enjoy sweet release in Jesus!
Galatians 4:8-20
Today's Scripture
This section of Scripture reminds me of a parent pleading with a teenager. The teenager at one time listened to all the parent said--would do anything to please the parent. The teenager was full of joy whenever the parent came into his or her room--the parent was always a welcome sight.
But suddenly, all the valuable teaching the parent has instilled into the child is gone as the child grows up. Suddenly, the teenager listens to other voices that seem much more engaging and interesting than the parent's voice.
Paul is anxious about his children, the Galatians. He so wants them to listen to right teaching and not be swayed by those who would lead them astray.
The Galatians, like our teenagers, have free will. They can choose to listen or not--or to whom they will listen. But we can pray and continue to teach godly principles with our words, but mostly, by our lives. We can pray that God will open their eyes to the truth and follow in His path.
Galatians 4:1-7
Today's Scripture
We are heirs to the promised that has come to us through God's Son, Jesus Christ. Because God gave his Son as a gift to us, we are no longer slaves to an old way of sinful living. We are truly sons of God through our inheritance in Jesus Christ. Together with Jesus, we can cry to God, Abba, Father. He loves us as his children and wants to give us freedom from a life of sin.
Thank you, God, for being a Father to me--for loving me as your child. Thank you for the gift of your Son who made it possible for me to be your daughter. Help me to live a life as a true child of yours.
Galatians 3:26-29
Today's Scripture
People of many nationalities, many age levels, male and female, short or tall, blue-eyed or brown-eyed, urban, suburban or rural--all of these people can find a home in God's family. Not only do Christians look differently around the world or even within a church, but not all of them think exactly alike, vote for the same candidates, or enjoy the same food.
But we can all come together under the Lordship of Christ. Whether we were baptized as infants or later in life, we are all clothed in Christ and are one in him. When we take on the mantle of Christian--of followers of Jesus--we are heirs together of the promise that is in him.
I love have so many diverse, yet united, brothers and sisters in the Lord. For we as a church are one as we serve the head of the church, Jesus Christ.
Galatians 3:15-25
Today's Scripture
For years and years--centuries even--the Israelites followed the Mosaic law, which required animal sacrifice for atonement of sin. Blood had to be shed for forgiveness of sin--it was the law. They followed this practice, sometimes faithfully, sometimes not, but it was not the perfect sacrifice that God had in mind for them--that was yet to come.
The perfect sacrifice came in Jesus. Now, we no longer have to be slaves to the law or offer animal sacrifice, but through faith in Christ we come to the Father.
We have freedom in Christ--not to disobey the law--but to live for God through faith in Jesus. Let us seek this freedom each day.
Galatians 3:1-14
Today's Scripture
Paul here clearly points out that we are saved by faith--by our belief in the work that Jesus did on our behalf--not by our own works. All our efforts to come to God are futile--God is the one who came to us in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ.
Every day I need to remind myself to have faith, to believe, to allow God to work through me. Whenever I attempt things on my own strength, I am frustrated. True peace comes when we release our lives to God and rest in the belief that he has saved us and wants to give us a victorious life that is pleasing to him.
We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. When we ask him, God is there to help us through any situation and act in a pleasing manner to him in all we do.
Galatians 2:11-21
Living by the law is a tough thing to do. I find this is true every day as I drive in traffic and find myself cruising along with others at above the posted speeds. An encounter with a police car with his radar gun pointed my way leads to an immediate slow down.
God knows our imperfections. He gave us the law, not so we would be frustrated, but so that we would know our need for him, for we can never be perfect law abiders. We need his love and grace.
Galatians 2:1-10
Today's Scripture
It is easy to judge others by their appearance. I remember the first time we went to Cornerstone Music Festival. It's a Christian music festival in west central Illinois that runs for almost a week during the 4th of July. There are all kinds of people there--many of them young, many with different colored or strangely cut hair, some with black clothes and chains, some with tattoos and strange piercings. I thought, how wonderful that these strangers to the gospel could come to hear the message of Christ sung and preached.
Well, I found out over the years (we just went for the 11th year in a row) that most of these "strange-looking" people were, in fact, Christians. I had pre-conceived notions of what a Christian should look like, and it took me some time to adjust my thinking.
Paul here is saying that the Gentiles didn't need to become Jews in order to become Christians. They had their own look and way about them--they were uncircumcised, but because of the freedom they had in Christ, they didn't need to become circumcised to become believers in Jesus. Paul didn't require anything of them except that they give themselves totally to Christ.
I'll try to extend grace to all I meet and not judge by appearances. After all, there are many people who look and act just like me but don't have the living presence of Christ within them. I should learn to ask for discernment of the heart--seeking God's wisdom and not my own.
Galatians 1:11-24
Today's Scripture
It is good to listen to others and get their opinions about various things--especially if they are fellow believers in Jesus Christ. But our ultimate guide must be the Lord himself. He reveals himself in Scripture, and through his Holy Spirit in our lives. Paul received guidance from teachers and eventually he met the apostles for his commissioning, but in the early days of his training he spent extended time listening to God and praying.
It is easier to listen to people and get their feedback on a variety of topics. It is more difficult to come before the Lord and wrestle with what are sometimes hard teachings of the Bible. But as we come before him, we are better able to share with others, and they with us when they do the same.
When we converse and advise one another, let us make sure that we are all going to a common source--to Jesus Christ and the Holy Word of God.
Galatians 1:6-10
Today's Scripture
After his greeting, Paul doesn't hesitate telling the Galatians about his concerns for them. He doesn't beat around the bush--but addresses his astonishment immediately: he is alarmed that many appear to be turning to a false gospel. His letter is to clear up any confusion about what the real gospel is--that Jesus came to bring salvation to both Jew and Gentile, and has saved us through his death and resurrection.
Paul urges them to be discerning and know the real gospel message. He states that he is a true messenger--not in trying to please men, but rather being a servant of Christ. If he were trying only to please his readers, he would couch his language in softer terms. But the true message of the gospel is so important, that Paul speaks very directly and plainly to the Galatians.
There is a time for subtleties and softness, and a time for immediacy and plain speech. As Paul voiced his concern for the Galatians, he knew they needed to clearly understand the truth. May we be discerning as we speak to others--speaking the truth in love.
Galatians 1:1-5
Today's Scripture
1Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead— 2and all the brothers with me,
To the churches in Galatia:
3Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
As Paul introduces himself to the readers of his letter to the Galatians, he calls himself an apostle, sent by Jesus Christ and God the Father--not by men. He mentions that God the Father is the one who raised Jesus from the dead. He adds that this letter is from all the brothers with him.
When we correspond or introduce ourselves to others, how wonderful if we can do it, not on our own charisma or strength of personality, but present ourselves as one who is a child of God--the same God who raised Christ from the dead. With that resurrection power within us, we can have powerful communication and wonderful relationships!
Paul also mentions the brothers who are with him--there is strength in numbers. He sends grace and peace to his readers--grace from the Lord who gave himself to rescue us from this evil age. Paul seeks to like in the will of the Father, giving glory to him forever and ever.
Colossians 4:7-18
Today's Scripture
There is nothing like being surrounded by friends. Tonight we had some friends over for dinner, and we had wonderful fellowship and conversation.
Paul was blessed with friends as he ministered from prison. He listed several of them--both Jews and Gentiles. He talked of their prayers for the readers of his letter, and he said what a comfort they were to him. He encouraged the readers to welcome them when they came to visit.
Finally, Paul asked that his letter be forwarded on. How blessed we are today to have e-mail and blogs, so that many readers can hear reflections of Scripture--or read the Bible for themselves online! But it must have been special to have the letter hand-delivered by true friends, and to read what Paul had written in his own writing.
I do not have chains and am not writing this by hand, but as I type, I think about those who may stumble upon this blog and pray they may turn to the Scriptures I link to and find a true friend, Jesus, whose story is told in the pages of the Bible--online or in a hand-held book. Share his message with other friends. There is nothing quite like the fellowship of believers.
Colossians 4:1-6
Today's Scripture
The things mentioned in these verses are the very things I have been praying for my son Mark these past two weeks.
He is 17, traveling with a friend who is 20, to a small country in eastern Europe--Moldova. I have been praying for them daily, being watchful and thankful--grateful that they arrived safely and are enjoying themselves. I pray that their lives may be a testimony to Christ who lives within them, and that they can present themselves in a caring way, not as arrogant Americans, but as strangers who have received a special blessing. I have prayed that their communication may be as clear as possible when neither of them speak much of the language of the country (Romanian and Russian). I pray that their conversation (or translated conversation) may be full of grace, being able to answer kindly to their hosts and not inappropriately.
We are strangers in this land we live in--no matter where on earth it is. We should try to speak the language of those around us--to communicate well and kindly, yet live in a life that is pleasing to God. Our language should be full of grace, seasoned with the preservative of a genuine love. If we bathe our lives and words in prayer, we can demonstrate God's love to others in a powerful way.
Colossians 3:18-25
Today's Scripture
Paul repeats here what he wrote in Ephesians 5 and 6, regarding the roles of family members as well as slaves and masters (today we can apply his teaching to employee and employer). It is easy to be a submissive wife if the wife serves a loving husband. Children are more likely to obey their fathers if their fathers are not harsh with them. Servants/slaves/employees are to serve those they work for with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.
As we seek to serve others, we do so as if we work for the Lord, and knowing that our inheritance is in heaven. If we have difficult relationships, we should see beyond the frustration of our temporary encounters (even if they are ongoing), and wait eagerly for the Father's "Well done" when we see him face to face in heaven. For others will be judged for their wrongdoing--we can leave judgment in the hands of God, and seek his will on earth in all we do.
Colossians 3:12-17
Today's Scripture
These verses hold the key to wonderful relationships. For if we clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, how can we not get along with one another? And if others see our love and empathy towards them, they will be attracted to the spirit of Christ that they see within. If we are quick to forgive and love with the love of God, we can live in harmony with anyone.
And we do not need to worry about anything, but let Christ's peace wash over us. We should live with thankful hearts for all God has done for us, and dwell in his Holy work every day, teaching and admonishing each other, and singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. And all we do should be in the name of the Lord Jesus--giving him glory for all the wonderful gifts he gives to us.
Colossians 3:1-11
Today's Scripture
Sometimes it seems as if things are going along pretty well, and we have a good handle on our daily activities and our relationships. We may have some encounters with trouble or difficulty, but we are able to trust God to help us through any circumstance.
Other times--at least for me--the bottom seems to drop out and discouragement and even despair set in. It is at these times when it is particularly helpful and encouraging to read Scripture like today's passage.
We have no need to live lives of defeat--because we live a new life in Christ. Our minds should be on things above. Paul lists things that should no longer be part of our lives as Christians: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry. He also instructs us to rid ourselves of anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language. He encourages us not to lie to one another as was our custom in our sinful way of life. I love how the next verse reads: "...put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." (v 10, NIV) Paul adds that we do not need to distinguish between class or race--Christ is in all of us, no matter our heritage or station in life.
Today I will put on my new self, renewed in knowledge in the image of my Creator. As I read the Scriptures and grow in my love for and knowledge of him, I can know I am created in his image. I can be a reflection of his love to all who see me. My prayer is that I die to my old self daily and dress in the bridal clothes that Christ has for me as my groom. May our love for him continue as we are his bride and his love for us goes on and on!
Colossians 2:13-23
Today's Scripture
We have true freedom in Christ, having been forgiven through Jesus and knowing the chains of sins no longer weigh us down when we are in Him. So, we are free to express ourselves and not bound to regulations that are meaningless rules and pointed out by those who exercise a sort of false humility.
But as we know we have freedom in Christ, I believe we should exercise it cautiously, careful not to offend a new or immature Christian. Instead, we should recognize that other Christians may be free to worship, dress, or eat differently that we do, and they may be just as strong, or perhaps stronger, in their faith than we are.
Obviously if we or others are sinning blatantly when our actions are clearly against Scripture, we should seek repentance and turn from our sin. But I am learning, slowly, not to judge others who appear different from me and worship in a way that is uncomfortable to me. I still need to be discerning and careful in how I conduct myself and with whom I associate (if they are living in a life of sin that drags me down with them), but I must thank God for the freedom he offers in Christ. May he give me wisdom in my actions and words with others--and may all be for his glory.
Colossians 2:6-12
Today's Scripture
When we first come to Christ, there is often a time of exhilaration, of closeness and devotion, of a certain high and good feelings. Over time, however, when the realities of life come to us, we can become discouraged and wonder where the God we first met really is.
Paul instructs us to continue to live in Christ--just as we did when we first received him. Our roots should go down deep in him, for he can continue to build us up and strengthen us as we face life's daily challenges.
We shouldn't take on the mantle of discouragement or depression, following deceptive philosophies, but live in the fullness of Christ that is ours as children of God. Our sinful nature should be put off, for we are raised through the power of Christ and his resurrection.
We have much to rejoice over, let us live lives of victory, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. For Christ is our ultimate home and our encourager, we need not fear when we can turn to him at any moment for any reason.
Colossians 2:1-5
Today's Scripture
Paul gave much of himself to the churches where he ministered--even if by letter alone after his first initial contact. He cared about even those he had not met, wanted them to be encouraged and united in love--so have understanding of the mystery of God, which is that Christ came for salvation. Paul wanted the treasures of the Lord to be revealed to the people--and to know the truth of God's work so they would not be deceived by false teachers.
Even though Paul was far away as he wrote this letter, his heart was with the Colossians and he was eager to see how firm their faith in Christ was.
In the world in which we live--there are many who need the love of Christ. Aids victims in Africa, beggars in the city, there are even church attenders who never hear of the true love of Christ from their pulpits. We can show we care and let others know of the mystery of Christ. As they see our love in action, meeting their needs, they see Christ in us and are drawn to him by his work through us.
Colossians 1:24-28
Today's Scripture
Paul rejoices in any suffering he endures for the sake of the gospel. He is glad to present the mystery Of God's truth--that God has chosen to reveal salvation through his Son not only to the Jesws, but also to the Gentiles. He teaches with all wisdom, and labors with all his energy, propelled by the power of the Holy Spirit.
This same Holy Spirit is at work in us, who wants to give us his wisdom and energy so we can make the truth known to all who would hear. Thank you Lord, for the many gifts you give us--salvation through your Son, power through your Spirit, and fellowship with those who would follow you.