Galatians 1:11-24
Today's Scripture
It is good to listen to others and get their opinions about various things--especially if they are fellow believers in Jesus Christ. But our ultimate guide must be the Lord himself. He reveals himself in Scripture, and through his Holy Spirit in our lives. Paul received guidance from teachers and eventually he met the apostles for his commissioning, but in the early days of his training he spent extended time listening to God and praying.
It is easier to listen to people and get their feedback on a variety of topics. It is more difficult to come before the Lord and wrestle with what are sometimes hard teachings of the Bible. But as we come before him, we are better able to share with others, and they with us when they do the same.
When we converse and advise one another, let us make sure that we are all going to a common source--to Jesus Christ and the Holy Word of God.