Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Galatians 4:21-31
Today's Scripture
Our dog has had bad allergies for the past couple of weeks, and I finally took him to the vet on Saturday. After a medicated shampoo and creme rinse, pills and eye drops, he finally started improving on the second day of taking medicine. He had been enslaved to his sickness--and whenever he went outdoors--a place dogs should love to go--he was as miserable as a prisoner in the ragweed filled world.
Loving care and treatment has given Raven, our German shepherd mix, freedom. He was a slave to his misery, but now he has freedom again to enjoy the outdoors.
We have been set free in Christ. Before this freedom, we were slaves to an old life of sin that entrapped us. Now we can live lives of victory and joy, because of the wonderful gift of Jesus. Let us live as free people, enjoying the world around us. For we are no longer bond to sin, but are released to enjoy sweet release in Jesus!