Saturday, August 13, 2005
Galatians 1:6-10
Today's Scripture
After his greeting, Paul doesn't hesitate telling the Galatians about his concerns for them. He doesn't beat around the bush--but addresses his astonishment immediately: he is alarmed that many appear to be turning to a false gospel. His letter is to clear up any confusion about what the real gospel is--that Jesus came to bring salvation to both Jew and Gentile, and has saved us through his death and resurrection.
Paul urges them to be discerning and know the real gospel message. He states that he is a true messenger--not in trying to please men, but rather being a servant of Christ. If he were trying only to please his readers, he would couch his language in softer terms. But the true message of the gospel is so important, that Paul speaks very directly and plainly to the Galatians.
There is a time for subtleties and softness, and a time for immediacy and plain speech. As Paul voiced his concern for the Galatians, he knew they needed to clearly understand the truth. May we be discerning as we speak to others--speaking the truth in love.