Colossians 2:13-23
Today's Scripture
We have true freedom in Christ, having been forgiven through Jesus and knowing the chains of sins no longer weigh us down when we are in Him. So, we are free to express ourselves and not bound to regulations that are meaningless rules and pointed out by those who exercise a sort of false humility.
But as we know we have freedom in Christ, I believe we should exercise it cautiously, careful not to offend a new or immature Christian. Instead, we should recognize that other Christians may be free to worship, dress, or eat differently that we do, and they may be just as strong, or perhaps stronger, in their faith than we are.
Obviously if we or others are sinning blatantly when our actions are clearly against Scripture, we should seek repentance and turn from our sin. But I am learning, slowly, not to judge others who appear different from me and worship in a way that is uncomfortable to me. I still need to be discerning and careful in how I conduct myself and with whom I associate (if they are living in a life of sin that drags me down with them), but I must thank God for the freedom he offers in Christ. May he give me wisdom in my actions and words with others--and may all be for his glory.