Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Joshua 2
Today's Scripture
Rahab risked a lot by hiding the Israeli spies who came to her for refuge. She feared the God of Israel, and was willing to help them in spite of any consequences that would come from her own people.
God works in amazing ways. Who would have thought that a prostitute such as Rahab would be a God-fearing woman who would help men of God? Who would have thought that these men would trust someone like that with their lives, and that she advised and protected them?
In return, the men agreed to spare her life and that of her family's when they returned to take the city for themselves. Rahab tied a red cord in her window as a sign to all Israel that she was the one who has rescued the men. She also gave them valuable information--explaining how all her people were afraid of Israel and especially their God, because they had heard about their victories in the desert as they approached Canaan.
What out-of-the ordinary ways does God work in our lives? Perhaps we should seek answers to prayer in unusual places or people. God can work through anyone at any time in any place. Our job is to trust him.