Blogging for Light
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Colossians 4:1-6
Today's Scripture

The things mentioned in these verses are the very things I have been praying for my son Mark these past two weeks.

He is 17, traveling with a friend who is 20, to a small country in eastern Europe--Moldova. I have been praying for them daily, being watchful and thankful--grateful that they arrived safely and are enjoying themselves. I pray that their lives may be a testimony to Christ who lives within them, and that they can present themselves in a caring way, not as arrogant Americans, but as strangers who have received a special blessing. I have prayed that their communication may be as clear as possible when neither of them speak much of the language of the country (Romanian and Russian). I pray that their conversation (or translated conversation) may be full of grace, being able to answer kindly to their hosts and not inappropriately.

We are strangers in this land we live in--no matter where on earth it is. We should try to speak the language of those around us--to communicate well and kindly, yet live in a life that is pleasing to God. Our language should be full of grace, seasoned with the preservative of a genuine love. If we bathe our lives and words in prayer, we can demonstrate God's love to others in a powerful way.

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