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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Genesis 2
Today's Scripture

I've read this passage of Scripture many times, and I'm always reminded how wonderful it is that God set an example of rest on the seventh day, and how he created woman for man as his final work of creation. We have much to be grateful for as we work with men and women and benefit from their different gifts, whether we are married or single. And as a wife, I am so grateful for the amazing way God thought of marriage and how incredible it is to be married to a thoughtful, loving, hard-working man.

But a new thought came to me as I read this passage today. Later, when we study Noah, we'll find out more about the ark and how crazy people thought Noah was in a land where it apparently didn't rain. In this passage, we read about how God watered the garden with underground streams. A river waters the garden, and four rivers are mentioned in the text.

God continues to water our souls today. When we go through dry spells--with no rain in sight--we can find refreshment in his Word. He is our Living Water, and when we seek him, we will thirst no more!

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  • Friday, April 29, 2005
    Genesis 1
    Today's Scripture

    Living in Minnesota as I do, I am privileged to view the amazing changes of the seasons. God's creation is marvelous--and after the long winter, we are enjoying spring with the greening of the land--the grass, bushes and trees. Summer birds have returned, and the warmer weather changes everyone's mood.

    So, it is with appreciation and wonder that I re-read the story of how this creation began in Genesis 1. The story is so familiar--yet awesome how God chose to create our world. First he created light and separated light from darkness--making day and night. Next he separated the waters in heaven from the waters from earth, and made dry land appear on earth. He made the sun and the moon, and the creatures of the sea and the air. Then he created the land creatures, and finally, his crowning work was man, in his own image--male and female he created.

    God gave the people he created the ability to procreate--he told them to be fruitful and multiply--and also gave them the whole earth. What an amazing gift our world is to us--every day God causes the sun and moon to rise and set--he gives us food from the land--and the beauty of his creation to enjoy. Thank you Lord, for your wonderful gift!

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  • Thursday, April 28, 2005
    3 John
    Today's Scripture

    These fourteen verses of 3 John make it the shortest book in the Bible. John is writing a note to a friend, encouraging him to keep walking in the truth, and also to continue in his ministry of hospitality, since there is someone who is spreading malicious gossip and untruths. He encourages John to imitate what is good, not what is evil.

    As he did in 2 John, John closes this brief letter by writing he had much more to say, but wanted to do it in person. How wonderful it would have been to glean more from John's writings--but we have already been given so much in Scripture. Our admonition to love one another, to walk in the truth, and to be hospitable to travelers are prominent themes here, and good teachings for us to remember. John tells his reader that he hopes soon to talk face to face. One day we will be face to face with Jesus and all his followers. At that time we can rejoice and find out about all the conversations we would have longed to hear in biblical times and beyond. What a day that will be!

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  • Wednesday, April 27, 2005
    2 John
    Today's Scripture

    In this short book, John covers the theme of love he addressed in 1 John. We are to love one another, in obedience to the commands of Jesus. And we are not only to love in certain situations, but to walk in love--it is to be a way of life, a daily exercise.

    John also warns against false teachers in these few verses--going so far as to say not to bring them into the homes of believers. Many false teachings were springing up at this time in the early church life, and John wanted his readers to walk in the truth, and not be misled by falsehood.

    If we walk in the truth and in love and have the Holy Spirit within us, we will be able to discern lies from what is good and right. We need to seek the Scripture and run from those who would lead us astray. When we are immersed in God's Word and in tune with his Spirit within us, we can follow the truth and lead others down a path of righteousness.

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  • Tuesday, April 26, 2005
    1 John 5:13-21
    Today's Scripture

    As we draw closer to God in our Bible study and prayer time, we can know him more and understand his will for our life more. When we pray according to his will, he will hear us and answer us.

    As I pray for my children as they approach adulthood, I pray that they will be under the control of God, who can keep them safe from the evil one who controls the world. I pray that they may have the understanding of God--that they may know him who is true. I pray that he may keep them from idolizing the things of this world, as John says in his concluding sentences.

    And I pray for this things for my life as well.

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  • Monday, April 25, 2005
    1 John 5:1-12
    Today's Scripture

    Life can often seem overwhelming, no matter where we find ourselves on our earthly journey. As a parent of teenagers, I sometimes wonder if they--and I--will survive the years before adulthood. Making decisions about their future, praying about the friends they choose, and maintaining a healthy relationship is sometimes a daily struggle.

    Then I read a passage such as this one. God has lavished on us his great love, and we are to love him by obeying his commands. But verses 3 and 4 tell us that his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world!

    There are some days when I feel that I cannot even overcome the next minute, but we have the life of Christ in us to be victorious over each moment, each day, and even our lifetime! Because we have life in him through his sacrifice, we are cleansed through his blood and washed clean through baptism in him. Every day is a fresh day, a new start with his love and power within us. Let's not live in defeat--Christ has won the victory and we, as children of God, have victory in him!

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  • Saturday, April 23, 2005
    1 John 4:7-21
    Today's Scripture

    God is love. We love because he first loved us. He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for] our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

    These verses are so familiar to us, yet how often do we remind ourselves of them? Knowing how great God's love is for us, his love ought to spill over in our lives to include all we encounter. And John even goes so far as to say, if we do not love our brother, whom we have seen, we cannot love God, whom we have not seen.

    Maybe we are fearful of loving someone. But John teaches that there is no fear in love--that perfect love drives out fear. If we love each other with God's love, all fear is gone.

    Obviously, we cannot love everyone as a husband loves his wife or a wife loves her husband--that is special love reserved for marriage. But we can love with the love of Christ, and care for our brothers and sisters with a holy love that comes from above.

    It's not easy, but we need not fear. We have God's Spirit within us, loving us, spurring us on to love others.

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  • Friday, April 22, 2005
    1 John 4:1-6
    Today's Scripture

    Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether a teacher or preacher is really speaking with the wisdom of God or with worldly "wisdom." John here tell us that those with a spirit who acknowledge Jesus has come in the flesh is from God, but that those who do not are not from God. Those who speak the truth are those who know God and listen to him.

    Many people are out there teaching that relativism is what is important today--we should be accepting of whatever people believe and my "truth" may be different from your "truth," but we should live together in acceptance and harmony.

    We should beware of people like that, when we know the only truth is that found in Christ Jesus, the Son of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. As we pray and seek the face of the one true God, he will help us discern between those who speak his truth and those who claim to speak truth, but instead speak falsehoods.

    We have the power of his Word and his Holy Spirit to help us, day by day. Let us seek the way, the truth and the life for our daily existence and sustenance.

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  • Thursday, April 21, 2005
    1 John 3:11-24
    Today's Scripture

    Love one another. John reminds us of this command that Jesus gave his disciples. It is not always an easy task, but a necessary one. And it is not just one that should be a warm feeling between friends, but should be evident in actions and words.

    Because of the amazing and sacrificial love of Jesus on our behalf, we are able to show his love to others. As we live by his Spirit, we overflow with the fruit of the Spirit--love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal. 5:22-23)

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  • Wednesday, April 20, 2005
    1 John 3:4-10
    Today's Scripture

    Living the Christian life is not easy, but so beneficial. Living a sinful life is easy, but so detrimental. When we are born of God, we want to follow him and be filled with his Spirit and his life. The person who lives a sinful lifestyle does not follow God and does not really know God.

    We read in 1 John 1 that is we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. So as Christians, we are not perfect, but we are in process. But if we continue to live in sin, and do not ask for forgiveness, we are not true followers of God.

    Every day, I hope and pray that I become a little bit more like God, that I am a little more quick to seek his forgiveness when I fail, and that others can see his light in me.

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  • Tuesday, April 19, 2005
    1 John 3:1-3
    Today's Scripture

    Yesterday I had a misunderstanding with my husband--he said something that I totally blew out of proportion and I reacted angrily and basically very badly. I've been reading about the love of God in 1 John and wearing the armor of God in Ephesians, but I wasn't acting very loving or resisting the devil in any way in my reaction to my husband, whom I truly love.

    Fortunately he forgave me and we were able to understand what the other was thinking and feeling. My true desire is for the love of the Father to be evident in my life, but sometimes it is very difficult!

    But some day, we shall be like him--seeing the Father as he is. And day by day, I hope to purify myself as he is pure--knowing I will fail, but he is there to pick me up. And when I see him face to face, the sins and cares of this world will be gone and I will truly wear his mantle of holiness.

    Until then, I must daily ask him to help me fight the enemy and seek his face, not only each day, but moment by moment.

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  • Monday, April 18, 2005
    1 John 2:18-29
    Today's Scripture

    Sometimes it's hard to discern good teaching from bad. Something someone says in a church setting--or even in a secular setting about religious things--may seem good and true. But Satan is subtle, and he can use even "good" people to lead people astray.

    We can know if someone is speaking God's word if we ourselves know God's word and if the Holy Spirit lives in us. As we grow and mature in our faith and we seek Him every day, he will give us his wisdom and keep us from the lies of the evil one if we ask him to.

    The Holy Spirit should be our ultimate teacher--not the "wisdom" of men. As we all seek the Holy Spirit's leading together, we are drawn together in understanding of the true Christ and are shielded from the lies of the enemy.

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  • Saturday, April 16, 2005
    1 John 2:15-17
    Today's Scripture

    After working for ten weeks or so at my brother-in-law's tax service, I have seen people who have accumulated lots of material wealth, only to find that they owe lots of money in taxes to the government because they made a lot of money, they sold a property, business or stock, or withdrew funds from a retirement account too early.

    The money that had given them so much pleasure initially was now, in part, being eaten up by taxes due. Many people left our office resigned, if not disappointed or even angry.

    John tells us not to love the world or anything in the world. The cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and his pride in possessions--these things are not from the Father but from the world.

    We are not to be prideful or lustful--but view everything we have as a gift from God. We need to keep our eyes on heaven--for one day all that we have will be gone anyway, and the only thing that will last is what we have invested in eternity.

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  • Friday, April 15, 2005
    1 John 2:12-14
    Today's Scripture

    In this passage, John addresses children and fathers, young and old. He reminds the young that their sins have been forgiven in Jesus' name, and they have known the Father. To the fathers, he reminds them that they have known the One who is from the beginning. He also addresses young men, because they have overcome the evil one, they have the strength of the Lord and the word of God lives in you.

    These are good traits for us to have--knowledge of forgiveness, a true and deep knowledge of the Creator who has been and will be, surpassing time, and claiming the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome evil, knowing the strength of our Lord through his Word and Spirit can overcome anything we have to face.

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  • Thursday, April 14, 2005
    1 John 2:7-11
    Today's Scripture

    John reminds his readers that the command to love one another is not a new one, but an old one. But the new discovery is that the light of the world, Jesus has come, so he can live in his light and love as he loves.

    If we say we are followers of Christ, but harbor grudges or hate our brother, we are not truly following him--we are living in darkness. But if we allow the light to shine in and through us, our love will be evident to all. He will illuminate the sin in our life, and when we come to him for forgiveness, we can be restored and be able to love and forgive others.

    What a wonderful cycle of love and forgiveness--let's live in that circle of love today.

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  • Wednesday, April 13, 2005
    1 John 2:1-6
    Today's Scripture

    Living the Christian life is not easy. We want to follow Jesus' commands, but we often fail. But when we do sin, we can always come to Christ, who intercedes on our behalf to the Father.

    But as we mature in Christ, we should be more like him. As we obey God's word, the love of Christ is evident in him. And if we claim to live in Christ, John says, we must walk as Jesus did.

    Impossible? With God's help, nothing is impossible. As we trust in him, he will refine us and help us to obey him. And the world will know we are Christians as we live out Christ's love.

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  • Tuesday, April 12, 2005
    1 John 1:5-10
    Today's Scripture

    I love how we can see God in all of creation around us. He teaches us lessons through the things and creatures he has made. The darkness of night and the sunshine of the day are metaphors for the darkness of our hearts without him, and yet the promise of newness and light when we look toward the brightness of his love.

    All of us have been in darkness in our lives--whether literally or spiritually. We have been apart from the Light of the World, and lived in sin. But God is always faithful to us, and we can turn to his light. He wants to illuminate the dark places, to bring us wholeness and to purify us. All we need to do is come to him in humble repentance, and he will bring us back into the sunshine!

    These are encouraging words for a dreary rainy day like today in Minnesota--but for any day! Let's live in the light!

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  • Monday, April 11, 2005
    1 John 1:1-4
    Today's Scripture

    How amazing it must have been to be one of Jesus disciples, and then to have the joy of recording his life and teachings in the Scripture, to be preserved for generations--and even for thousands of years! John had this privilege, and his account is authentic as an eye witness to the life of Jesus himself.

    Though we have not seen Jesus in the physical as his disciples did, we can know him in the same intimate way through the study of his word, through prayer, and through the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within us as believers. How great will our joy be when we come to the end of our lives and see him face to face--but this time in glory, beyond even the joy of his physical presence when he lived as a man on earth. We can have fellowship with him now, and for eternity.

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  • Saturday, April 09, 2005
    Esther 10
    Today's Scripture

    I love a happy ending. Who doesn't? The book of Esther ends happily, with Mordecai, who had been the object of hatred by the king's right hand man, takes that man's position, together with Esther (with the leading of God) saves the Jews from annihilation. He is elevated to a great position of power, and the Jews received favor because of his status and concern for them.

    There is One who spoke up on our behalf, too--2000 years ago. Jesus was willing to give up everything to become a man, die on the cross, and raise again so that we may be raised up to new life in him. Because of Jesus, we can have forgiveness of sins and become one with the Father. We are saved from destruction when we trust in him and dedicate our lives to him.

    And, even when we die, there will be a happy ending, because we'll be at eternal rest with our Lord, and worship him forever with all the saints. Amen!

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  • Friday, April 08, 2005
    Esther 9:18-32
    Today's Scripture

    It is good to look back and remember. Now that the pope has died, many around the world, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, remember his legacy, his love for people, his strong stance for life for all people--unborn and elderly and everywhere in between--and his unwavering commitment to freedom from tyrannical government systems. We remember a man and the gift he was to the world.

    Esther and Mordecai wanted to be sure that no one forgot how God delivered the Jews from destruction at the hand of Haman. They wrote letters to Jews everywhere, instructing them how and when to celebrate the anniversary of their deliverance. And to this days, Jews remember this time--and the book of Esther in the Bible is a testimony to God's faithfulness to his people.

    At Easter, we remember the ultimate sacrifice that God paid for his people--the gift of his Son through his death on the cross and resurrection three days later. Every day we should remember this gift and celebrate the new life we can find in Christ. Let each new morning be a resurrection morning!

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  • Thursday, April 07, 2005
    Esther 9:1-16
    Today's Scripture

    In Ephesians 6:10-19, we read about putting on the armor of God to fight our spiritual adversaries, the devil and his demons. In today's reading in Esther, the Jews were given the authority to destroy their enemies, overriding the edict that Haman had in place for the Jews to be destroyed. Many of the king's allies chose to side with the Jews, since Mordecai had come into such prominence in the king's inner circle.

    Like the Jews, we too have been given power to fight our enemies, who are mainly unseen today. Ephesians 6 tells of many weapons of defense that we can wear to protect us from the assault. But our main offensive weapon is the word of God, that we can use as a sword against the enemy. God's word is powerful and true, and can be used to strike fear in the heart of all who would oppose the Lord and his followers.

    As the Jews did in Esther's time, we can take up weapons to defend ourselves. But our power is not in then hands of men, but in God's hands. What better place to be than that?

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  • Wednesday, April 06, 2005
    Esther 8
    Today's Scripture

    The story of Esther doesn't end with the death of Haman. The cruel edict he had issued was still in place, and it was sealed with the signet ring of the king--something that couldn't be revoked. Esther again pleads for the life of her people before the king in this seemingly impossible situation.

    The king had already given Esther Haman's estate, and Esther in turn gave it to Mordecai, who took Haman's place in the king's inner circle. Mordecai, in wisdom that must have come from above, is given permission to issue another edict--and gives the Jews the authority to fight and plunder anyone who comes to seek their destruction on the day that Haman had planned to annihilate them.

    So instead of destruction, the Jews had power and authority. Many people converted to Judaism and feared the Jews. God had worked out his plan in a totally unexpected, but wonderful way.

    The same God works in our lives today. We may not be facing impending death (that we know of!) but there are daily challenges in all our lives. When we seek God, we need to come before him with an open heart, willing to wait for his timing and his will--which may confuse us at times, for his ways are not our own--but his ways are always for our benefit.

    And, after a trial, we can look back and see how God's hand and God's plan was the best. And may we gain wisdom to trust in him for the next time temptation or difficulty comes our way, knowing that God is always faithful.

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  • Tuesday, April 05, 2005
    Esther 7
    Today's Scripture

    In this passage of Scripture, we see how Esther and her people the Jews were vindicated. Esther had shown patience in prayer and fasting, waiting upon God for his timing. When she told the king that Haman was the man who had planned to destroy her people, the king's action was severe and swift. Haman died on the very gallows he was preparing for Mordecai.

    Sometimes it looks like the enemies in our lives are gaining ground. We may feel we are always the losers, and others seem to benefit in this life more than we do. "Life is not fair" may even become our slogan.

    While it may be true that unjustice comes to the innocent, in the end we know that the true King and Judge will come to judge all for their deeds or misdeeds. And if we claim Christ as our Savior, he will see that the blood of our Lord has washed us clean.

    Let's live in the victory we know we have day by day. There are set backs in life, but they are temporary. We may lose a few battles along the way, but we know the one who has won the war. Let's be sure to be on the winning side.

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  • Monday, April 04, 2005
    Esther 6
    Today's Scripture

    Events in the last couple of chapters of Esther have not been promising for the Jews, including, and perhaps especially, Mordecai and Esther. But God turns events in a different course in this chapter. Mordecai, whom Haman is planning to have executed, is instead honored by the king, for Mordecai had uncovered a plot to kill the king, but the king had never done anything to honor him. When the king asks Haman what should be done to the man who the king wishes to honor, of course Haman thinks it is himself, so he gives the king wonderful ideas of dressing the man in the royal robes and leading him through town on a horse proclaiming the virtues of the man seated in the saddle.

    Tough times come to us all. It seems that when we try to do God's will, Satan always counters, because he wants the hearts and souls of men and desires to snatch them from God. But if we turn to God in our trials, rather than succumb to evil, he can work good through any situation. We may not be paraded through town on horseback, but ultimately we will receive a far greater reward.

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  • Saturday, April 02, 2005
    Esther 5
    Today's Scripture

    Esther was a very wise woman--especially for one who must have been as young as she was. (I try to flatter myself by thinking that as I'm getting older, I'm getting wiser--but who knows if that's true or not in my case? ;) ) If I knew that my family was in danger of death, I don't know if I'd think out carefully and plan how this could be avoided. If I knew that there was someone who could stop this, I'd go right to the source and demand they do something to save us. Diplomacy, etiquette, and even common sense would probably fly right out of my head.

    Esther, however, had already been fasting and praying about this situation. When the time was right, she approached the king. Even though he told her he would grant her any request, up to half his kingdom, her initial response was only that he be presence at a banquet, and that Haman would be present as well.

    Meanwhile, Haman, who had everything to be happy about, still was miserable because Mordecai would not bow down to him. He and his family plotted Mordecai's death from a gallows they began to have built. Haman didn't know that Mordecai was related to Esther--only that he was a Jew and wouldn't bow to Haman.

    The plot thickens--stay tuned for the rest of the story........ or read it yourself in the book of Esther in the Old Testament.

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  • Friday, April 01, 2005
    Esther 4
    Mordecai's words to Esther ring out to us over the centuries: And who knows that you have come to such a royal (insert your situation) position for such a time as this? (verse 14)

    Esther's people, the Jews, were about to be destroyed by the evil Haman, the king's right hand man. As the queen, she could possibly have the power to persuade the king to not allow this to happen. Though it was dangerous, even for the queen, to approach the king unsummoned, Esther decided to take this risk. She and her maids fasted and prayed as they sought God for strength in their dilemma.

    God puts us in different places in our lives with different people for a reason. Perhaps the situation you face is "for such a time as this." Let's look for opportunities to serve God and others no matter what our circumstances.

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