Blogging for Light
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Esther 8
Today's Scripture

The story of Esther doesn't end with the death of Haman. The cruel edict he had issued was still in place, and it was sealed with the signet ring of the king--something that couldn't be revoked. Esther again pleads for the life of her people before the king in this seemingly impossible situation.

The king had already given Esther Haman's estate, and Esther in turn gave it to Mordecai, who took Haman's place in the king's inner circle. Mordecai, in wisdom that must have come from above, is given permission to issue another edict--and gives the Jews the authority to fight and plunder anyone who comes to seek their destruction on the day that Haman had planned to annihilate them.

So instead of destruction, the Jews had power and authority. Many people converted to Judaism and feared the Jews. God had worked out his plan in a totally unexpected, but wonderful way.

The same God works in our lives today. We may not be facing impending death (that we know of!) but there are daily challenges in all our lives. When we seek God, we need to come before him with an open heart, willing to wait for his timing and his will--which may confuse us at times, for his ways are not our own--but his ways are always for our benefit.

And, after a trial, we can look back and see how God's hand and God's plan was the best. And may we gain wisdom to trust in him for the next time temptation or difficulty comes our way, knowing that God is always faithful.

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