Saturday, September 10, 2005
Joshua 8:30-35
Today's Scripture
The people rededicated themselves to the Lord after this battle had been won. They had had tremendous victory, followed by bitter defeat and anguish as one of their own was discovered to have disobeyed--and the punishment--death--was indeed severe. Now they are on a path of obedience and Joshua builds an altar to the Lord, copies the 10 commandments onto stone, and reads the Book of the Law to all those assembled--including all the blessings and curses.
When we are tempted to stray from the Lord, it is good to look back into his word and remember how he has blessed us, and recall too, what the consequences of sin really are. If his abundant blessings are not enough to cause us to follow him, perhaps the results of disobedience may be. As we read his word, let us heed what the Lord tells us.