Friday, July 15, 2005
Genesis 44
Today's Scripture
Joseph sets a test for his brothers to see where there hearts truly are. After giving them a banquet, he gives them their food, returning the silver they had brought. And he puts his own silver cup in Benjamin's sack.
Then he tells the stewards to go to the brothers, search their sacks, and bring back the one brother who has the silver cup.
When the brothers are overtaken by the stewards, they proclaim their innocence. Yet, a search of all the sacks produces the cup in Benjamin's. All the brothers return to Joseph to ask for him to allow their brother to go to his aged father.
Judah shows the most humility. He asks Joseph to take him instead of Benjamin, explaining that this youngest brother was born in his father's old age and it would kill him to lose him, especially after his sibling, Joseph, was taken from him.
God had been working in the brothers' hearts over the years. Next time we'll see Joseph's response.