Saturday, June 25, 2005
Genesis 35:1-15
Today's Scripture
Jacob returns to Bethel, where God gives him a place to settle. He gets rid of any foreign gods in his household, tells his family to purify themselves and change their clothing, and sets up an altar to worship the Lord. God put fear in those surrounding him so he was not harmed or pursued by any in the land, and God blessed Jacob again, promising him many descendants, among whom would be kings.
Before the blessing, Jacob and his whole household needed to purge themselves of idols. What idols do we have in our lives that may be standing in the way of God's blessings? When we come before him, stripped bare of all but our love and devotion to him, he wants to bless us with his presence. Let's rid ourselves of worldly distractions and take time to worship him and praise him for his work in our lives, now and in the future.