Thursday, June 16, 2005
Genesis 30:25-43
Today's Scripture
Jacob was a very shrewd and resourceful businessman. He knew how to increase the number of his flock and picked the stronger animals to breed with other strong animals, even though Laban tried to prevent this from happening. Both men were shrewd and even deceitful--Laban took the spotted sheep that Jacob asked for, but Jacob found a way to breed sheep and kept the young that were spotted.
Jesus told us to be "shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves" in Matthew 10:16, as he was sending out the disciples as "sheep among wolves." Jesus also commended the shrewd business manager--even though he was dishonest. Jesus wasn't commending dishonesty, but the wisdom that those of the world seem to exhibit that sometimes believers do not.
Whatever we do, in business, with friends or at home, we should seek the wisdom of the Lord and do it in a manner pleasing to him. He can direct and guide our paths in a way of shrewdness as well as honesty.