Blogging for Light
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Genesis 26
Today's Scripture

The story takes a parenthetical look at how Isaac became established in the land, before the birth of Esau and Jacob. There was a famine in the land, just like there had been in Abraham's time. But instead of going down to Egypt, the Lord instructs Isaac to stay in Canaan. He goes to the land of the king Abimelech--probably a son or grandson of the king that Abraham encountered.

Unfortunately, like his father, Isaac also told Abimelech and his people that his wife was his sister. The Lord protected Rebekah, and eventually Abimelech learned the truth and confronted Isaac. Assured that no harm would come to him or his wife, Isaac settles in the land, plants crops, and becomes prosperous--so prosperous that Abimelech asks him to move away, for he had become too powerful for them.

Isaac shows great restraint and patience as he moves away and digs wells for himself. Two wells were dug, and both were quarreled over by his neighbors. Rather than facing an unpleasant confrontation, Isaac moves on, and the third well is one that he can take ownership of without any problem.

It seems too often in my life when I face conflict, instead of looking for a solution or turning away from anger, I want to defend myself and make sure my point of view is heard. I'm not advocating becoming a doormat, but I know that a lot more good could come out of situations where I seek a peaceful solution rather than create an argument. And God's blessings are always there for the peacemakers, and they were for Isaac.

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