Friday, June 03, 2005
Genesis 24
Today's Scripture
This is the wonderful story of how God brought Isaac and Rebekah together. It may seem a little strange to westerners--we who believe you must fall in love with someone and have a dating relationship before you get engaged and then married. But God orchestrated the union of these two, and they were willing in the partnership, and they grew to love each other and continue the line of Abraham.
So many things "fell in place" for the servant as he was on his journey to find a wife for Isaac--Rebekah came out to get water, she willingly gave the servant water and watered his camels, as well--she and her family gave him a meal and shelter and provided for his animals as well. And when the servant told his story, Rebekah was willing to go with him immediately.
Perhaps we may think that God doesn't work in the same ways as he did in the Old Testament. And we cannot know the mind of God--his ways are not our ways. But he is an unchanging God, and when we put our faith and trust in him, he can do marvelous things. He may not give us what we think is best for us, but he will work our what is to our benefit and give us so many of his blessings when we pray according to his will. The outcome may not be what we planned--but that's what makes living a life with the Lord an adventure!