Blogging for Light
Monday, May 02, 2005
Genesis 3
Today's Scripture

Today's Scripture is about the fall--the fall of man, the fall from the perfect world that God had created for Adam and Eve. Doubt was planted in Eve's mind, and she added to what God had actually said. For in Genesis 2:17 he does not say anything about not touching tree of the knowledge of good and evil--only that they must not eat of it, or they will die.

Eve is deceived by the serpent who encourages her to eat the forbidden fruit, and then Eve encourages Adam to do so as well. Both Adam and Eve have free choice and take of the fruit of their own volition. Their eyes were opened--and they realized they were naked. Shame and guilt had entered the garden, where there had been none before.

God, of course, knows what has happened. Everything has now changed. The serpent is no longer the beautiful animal it had been, but is destined to crawl on its belly and eat dust. The woman will bear children in pain. The man will have to work the land and labor against weeds and the elements. Death enters the world, as God clothes Adam and Eve with animal skins.

One act of disobedience changed the course of human history forever. But God's plan wasn't finished. He provided a way for us to come back to him through his Son Jesus--the new Adam--the one who lived on earth but did not sin. And because of Jesus, we can have a restored relationship with the Father and sin does not need to have power over us.

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