Monday, May 30, 2005
Genesis 21:8-21
Today's Scripture
Even though Ishmael wasn't part of God's plan for the soon-to-be nation of Israel, he still took care of him and provided for him. When it was apparent that he was a rival to Isaac, the son of Sarah and Abraham, God heard Sarah's unhappiness and guided Hagar and Ishmael through the desert. When all hope was lost and water and food gone, God hear the cries of the mother and her son, and showed them a well.
It would be interesting to know more of their story--how did they survive for many years in the desert? The text tells us that Hagar got a wife for Ishmael from Egypt--so we know the family line continues. Ishmael must have been around 16 at the time they were sent away. So, perhaps Hagar and Ishmael were able to lean on each other as they depended on God to provide for them in their desperate circumstances.
Even when we mess up, God is still present with us. And, even when we follow the plan God has for us, we will find trials and obstacles. God doesn't promise us an easy life--but he does promise to be with us. As we follow him, we can find each day to be an adventure, trusting in him and seeking his will for us every day.