Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Genesis 18:16-33
Today's Scripture
Abraham walks the visitors down the road from his home, and two go on as the Lord himself stays to talk with him. We speaks highly of Abraham--as a man who will instruct his children in the ways of God. Then he tells him of the wickedness of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Here more of Abraham's character is revealed--as God speaks of him as one who teaches His ways. and also we see Abraham's compassion for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Of course he is thinking specifically of his nephew Lot, but does not wish harm to come to any who may be righteous in that city. He comes before the Lord with his questions, acknowledging that the Lord is mighty and holy, and seeks him in humility.
Let's seek Abraham's example of compassion and humility. And hopefully we can pass these traits along to our children or those in our sphere of influence. God loves to hear our requests and to draw close to him.