Blogging for Light
Monday, May 23, 2005
Genesis 18:1-15
Today's Scripture

Yesterday we received a phone call from friends who wanted to stop by our home to borrow something. Not finding us at home, they did reach me on my cell phone. I told them we would be home shortly, and that they were certainly welcome to stop over.

These are good friends who have been to our house many times, but I still got out the vacuum and tried to tidy up a bit before they arrived. I was emptying the dishwasher when the doorbell rang, and I greeted them at the door with "You can't come in--I'm still cleaning!"

Well, of course I let them in and wasn't too embarrassed by the state of things. But it is always good to be ready to welcome guests into our home. Abraham was ready when three visitors came to see him--some commentators say they were three created angels, others believe one of them was the Son of God. In any case, Abraham was ready to show them hospitality, and they gave him wonderful news--his wife Sarah would bear him a son by that time next year.

Sarah overheard the news and didn't quite believe it. They were both old, and she had never had any children. Although she lacked faith, God still worked in her life and brought about what he had promised.

I will try to be more ready to receive whomever God puts into my life, and seek the Lord's will and guidance, even when it is difficult to trust him. His plans aren't my own, but if I receive them with a willing heart, I can laugh with joy and amazement at how he fufills his promises instead of doubting his ways.

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