Saturday, May 21, 2005
Genesis 17
Today's Scripture
Thirteen years have passed since Ishmael was born. Still no child has been born to Abram and Sarai, and perhaps Abram thinks God's promise will be fulfilled in Ishmael. But God comes to him again, renewing the promise, and making it clear that Sarai will be the mother to the promised child. God changes Abram's name, which means "exalted father," to Abraham, which means, father of many nations. Sarai (my princess--perhaps suggesting only one family) becomes Sarah (a princess). Circumcision is also instituted at this time--and all the males in Abraham's household are circumcised, whether born into the household or bought, no matter what the age. From here on, baby boys were to be circumcised at eight days. This was a sign of the covenant between Abraham and God, and Abraham obeyed.
God granted Abraham's wish for Ishmael to be blessed, but he was not the chosen son. The Lord can take our mistakes and bring good from them, but it is always best to follow his ways and wait for his timing.