Friday, May 20, 2005
Genesis 16
Today's Scripture
It seems that so often in the Bible, the people we read about may aspire great spiritual heights and be commended for their faith, only to fall in the next chapter. Abram has just received a wonderful covenant from the Lord, a promise to be the father of generations of children and grandchildren, yet he and Sarai decide to go out of the will of the Lord for this to happen. Sarai gives her maidservant to Abram to be his second wife, she conceives, and then despises Sarai her mistress.
Rather than taking the blame, Sarai does what we so often do--point the finger of blame at someone else, in this case Abram. To keep peace, Abram tells Sarai to do whatever she thinks best, so she mistreats Hagar (the maidservant) and Hagar runs away.
Here God intervenes. An angel finds her and tells her to go back to Sarai, and that God would give her many descendants. Even though this conception was out of the will of God for Abram, God knew this life was precious and he would protect the baby and his mother. Yet there would be consequences for this disobedience--the son to be born to Hagar and his descendants would be enemies to the descendants of Abram and Sarai.
God can still work his plan in spite of our disobedience. But how much better if we wait patiently for what he has for us instead of charging ahead with what we may think is best at the time, but know in our hearts is not pleasing to God. As I grow in my faith, I hope to know his will more and become more obedient, even though I am often tempted to do my own thing.