Friday, March 18, 2005
James 2:14-26
Today's Scripture
The late Rich Mullins, a popular contemporary Christian musician, wrote a song about this particular Scripture passage. Titled "Screen Door" this song was about how faith without works is about as useless as a screen door on a submarine. Even though faith itself is a gift of God, how is it evidenced in a person's life if not by the actions they do?
James points out how Rahab and Abraham acted out their faith--Rahab by protecting the Israelite spies, and Abraham by his willingness to sacrifice his only son because God asked him to.
God is the author and giver of all, including faith. He wants us to put that faith into action--through his Holy Spirit. If we sit back and expect God to use us without any effort on our part, we will be like that submarine with a screen door--we'll just sit at the bottom of the ocean and never go anywhere. But if we act out our faith, then we will see God at work in us--for we are his hands and feet on this earth till Jesus comes again. Let's get up and move!