Wednesday, February 16, 2005
2 Corinthians 3:1-6
Today's Scripture
Once I told a college professor of mine that I was not really sure who I was. It seemed I was not an individual with my own character, but my mind was just bits of information gathered from other people. I was a compilation of others, and did not have my own identity. My professor wisely replied, Ah, but that is exactly what makes you unique--what makes you you! That combination--the impressions left by others--filtered through my thoughts---made me the unique person that I was and am.
Paul was like that for the Corinthians. He wanted to pour his heart and soul into the believers, and they were a reflection of him and his love for Christ. Paul calls them his letters--written on his heart, known and read by everyone. As they exchanged love and ideas and followed Christ together, they became more conformed to the image of Christ, and worked together as his body.
Paul goes on to say that the confidence and competence he has in his teaching is not his own, but comes from Christ. The same Spirit filled him that filled the Corinthian Christians. And this same Spirit fills us today, if we call Christ our own. Like the Corinthians, we can learn from Paul's teaching today--among ourselves, from our leaders, all through the power of the Holy Spirit. May we seek the teachings of the Spirit daily as we go about our activities and share his blessings with others.