Thursday, February 10, 2005
1 Corinthians 16:5-24
Paul's love for the Corinthians is evident in these final verses of personal greetings. He longs to visit them, and plans to send others on his behalf since he can't travel there immediately. He encourages them to be generous, to be strong in their faith, to be on their guard, and to do everything in love. He makes sure they know he is signing the letter with his own hand, so they may be sure of its authenticity, and sends them the grace and love of the Lord Jesus.
When we greet others or say good-bye to them, do we let them know of our affection in this way? Are dear ones far from us in our hearts and prayers and their names come to us throughout the day? Paul is an example to us of care and shepherding for his flock.
How many come under our instruction or influence each day? Perhaps our children, co-workers, and other family and friends. May we have Paul's spirit of love, as he has the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, in our comings and goings with those we encounter.