Monday, February 07, 2005
1 Corinthians 15:12-34
Have you ever wondered how the disciples must have felt immediately after Jesus' death? They didn't remember the promise that Jesus had given them, that he would rise on the third day--that he would come again--that their hearts shouldn't be troubled.
They must have despaired over the thought that the one they had put their hopes and dreams in--the one they had counted on to be Messiah--was now dead--crucified, and in a tomb. And if he had stayed dead, their hopes would have remained buried with him.
But he did rise! He reminded them of his words, and later, when they received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2)--they were able to understand everything he had taught them. Jesus died for our sins, for the forgiveness of our sins. But our hope comes not only from that, but from his resurrection. And someday we will have glorified bodies like him.
If that isn't cause for rejoicing and clicking up our heels, I don't know what is. I'm in no hurry to die, but I'm not afraid of death, either--because Jesus lives and I will one day live again with him after my life here on earth is through. Hallelujah!