1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Today's Scripture
When I read these verses, I get a picture of God. God is love. Everything he does comes from love--which culminated in his sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. These verses describe that kind of love, the one we should emulate.
Love is patient, even with teenage children who may make harmful mistakes or be disrespectful. Love is kind, even when others treat it unkindly. Love does not envy--it doesn't desire the house, the money, or the situation of its neighbor. Love does not boast--even if it has money and a nice house. Love is not proud, even if it has a good job.
Love is not rude, even when others are arrogant or insensitive. Love is not selfseeking--even when others think only of their own needs--or think "it's all about me." Love does not get angry easily--even when others may be shouting or insulting. Love does not keep records of wrongs--even though it may be mistreated by friends and foes alike, over and over again. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth--when bad things happen to its enemies, love does not rejoice. Instead, love seeks the truth and rejoices when others meet the Truth and live the truth.
Love is a protector and caregiver. Love continues to trust, even when trust may be broken. Love hopes and perseveres--looking forward to a time when peace will reign and all will bow at the feet of Jesus.