Friday, January 21, 2005
1 Corinthians 9:1-23
Today's Scripture
Paul was a tentmaker, so as he traveled and preached, he worked with his hands to earn a living, so he did not have to depend on offerings for his support. But here, he points out that he has the right to ask for offerings--or that others who preach God’s word may indeed depend on offerings. He chooses not to ask for money, so that his hearers will not feel obligated in any way.
Although Paul has the freedom to ask for these things, he does not. In his freedom, he becomes a slave to all, and works to reach all by becoming like them. Examples he gives include: to the Jews he becomes like a Jew, to those under the law he becomes like one under the law, to the weak he becomes weak. He summarizes this in verse 22b: I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. (NIV).
As we worship in our churches, we should give generously so that those who minister to us can earn a decent living and focus on preaching the Word of God. Even though Paul chose tent making to earn his keep, most modern day pastors are dependent on the generosity of their parishioners. Let us give wholeheartedly and cheerfully to support them. And as we are all free, pastors and congregations, we should share this freedom and serve each other as though we were slaves, seeking to understand each individual from his or her own point of view. In this way, we win more to Christ and follow the example Paul sets before us here.