Friday, January 14, 2005
1 Corinthians 7:1-7
Today's Scripture
Paul elevates celibacy and singleness in this chapter, but recognizes that it is better to marry than to be sexually promiscuous. And the husband and wife should give themselves to each other, for they do not belong to themselves, but to each other. It is not a good idea to be apart for a long period of time, unless you are devoting yourselves to prayer for awhile.
But Paul again comes back to the singleness as a gift--and admits that not all have the "gift of celibacy." I remember my single days and am glad for the time I had to grow in the Lord and the freedom I experienced. But I'm also so glad to be married to a wonderful man and be the mother to his children.
As we go through our years together, I know that there will be a time when one of us is single again, when the other goes on to be with the Lord. God will give us grace in that time, as he did before and during our marriage. In the meantime, I need to be sensitive to the needs of my husband and be glad to share everything with him.