Tuesday, January 11, 2005
1 Corinthians 5:9-13
Today's Scripture
Sometimes it is difficult to know how to relate to people who fall into sin--of course, we are all guilty of this, so no one can really judge the heart but Christ. Yet, how are we to respond to people who seem to willfully sin? In Matthew 7:1-2 Jesus said we are not to judge others. But later in the chapter he warns against false prophets, saying, "by their fruits you will recognize them." (NIV) in verse 16 and repeats this in verse 20.
Paul seems to be clarifying this point for us here. We are not to judge those who do not claim to follow Christ, but those who do. If there are those among us who say they are brothers or sisters in Christ, but live a lifestyle not consistent with biblical principles, we need to confront that individual in love and perhaps even put them out of the church if they do not repent.
Always, always, though, I believe we should look in our own hearts first, confess our sins to God, make restitution for any wrong we ourselves have done. Then we can go to our brothers with a clean heart and offer them the same grace that God has so lavishly given to us.