Saturday, January 01, 2005
1 Corinthians 3:1-15
Today's Scripture
Since I've helped my husband in his construction work several times, I know a little bit (very little, but still a bit) about building a house. Tim's work is finishing work--getting the walls ready to be painted--so he sometimes has to cover the mistakes of those who worked before him. I've spent time screwing in screws more tightly on sheetrock, or repairing gashes in walls that have been nicked by tools, ladders, or whatever. The drywall taper needs to make the walls smooth and sanded nicely for the painter.
Of course, a good painter can cover up for the drywall taper, too. Putting on a good primer coat helps a lot, as well as using flat paint as opposed to satin or another high sheen paint.
But it always comes back to the foundation. If the foundation isn't on something firm, the house will settle. Even the best sheetrock hanging, drywall taping, and painting can't hide cracks that form after a house settles.
In this passage, Paul speaks of Jesus Christ as our foundation. We may all have different roles in building up the body of Christ, but we should always look to the one who is our bedrock--our solid cornerstone. Instead of quarreling about who may be better or trying to do someone else's job, we should focus on what God has given us the gifts to do to strengthen his body. And always, we need to look to the Master Builder for the correct blueprint. If we're all looking at the same plan, we can build in unity and glorify God in the process.