Blogging for Light
Thursday, January 27, 2005
1 Corinthians 11:1-16
Today's Scripture

Usually when I sit down to write these devotionals, I write from what I hope is the Holy Spirit's leading. I draw on my past knowledge and experience, but I typically don't spend time reading other's views or opinions on the text before I comment myself.

This passage can be so controversial, however, that I decided to read some online commentaries. You can find some of them at the link below (Bible study helps). One that I used I actually found in a Google search, and can be linked to here.

I believe that we need to take every Scripture we read in its context, and in the context of the culture. At the same time I believe that the Word of God is true, inspired, and relevant for all times, regardless of time and culture.

Nonetheless, it is helpful to know that Paul wrote to a society where sexual immorality was prevalent. A sign of an adulteress woman or prostitute was a woman with a shaved head--and Paul may have had this in mind when he said women should have their heads covered. There seems to be disagreement as to whether Paul meant that her hair was her covering or that she should wear a head covering. Regardless, she should be reverent in worship and set apart from those who practiced immorality.

Paul talks about man being the head of his wife, as God the Father is the head of Christ. We know that the Father and the Son are equal, but the Son submitted to the will of the Father. So, too, the man and woman are created equal, but as the head, the man is to protect and cherish his wife, and the woman is to serve and honor her husband. This in no way demeans a woman's worth, I think, but elevates it, as she is to be cherished in her husband's eyes. And a man is given a special responsibility in caring for his wife as well.

One interesting thing I read about in a commentary concerns verse 10 mentioning that a woman should have a sign of authority on her head because of the angels. This commentator (David Guzik, at the link above) said that angels are present in our churches, and are particularly sensitive to improprieties in our worship. The larger picture reminds us that we live in a spiritual world, and that angels and demons are all about us. The battle we fight every day is not ours alone, but is a spiritual one, and we are to always be mindful of that.

I am heartened by the fact that Paul says that Eve came from Adam, but he also mentions that men are born from women. We need each other. As we read this passage, I pray that God can give us understanding and love for each other. We can appreciate our differences and acknowledge our need for each other.

If anyone would like to leave comments or a different interpretation of this Scripture, I would certainly welcome that and it would be helpful to any readers. May we ask for God's grace and understanding as we read particularly difficult passages in his Word.

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