Saturday, December 25, 2004
Luke 2:1-10
Today's Advent Reading
Two thousand years ago, God entered history as a little baby, born to a humble tradesman and a teenage girl. He sent angels to shepherds to announce his arrival. This baby was placed in a manger of straw because there was no room to house his parents during the busy census time.
The first Christmas arrived, unnoticed by most. Only the shepherds and some farm animals welcomed the baby in the manger. He came quietly, but his impact is felt generations, indeed, millennia later.
This timeless Jesus became part of time for a generation. He touched lives as he grew, and he died to impact the whole world. For now, because a baby boy was born on that first Christmas, we can know the Father and be forgiven of our sins. This boy grew, died, and rose again to reign as King in heaven. This Christmas, let's make him King of our hearts.
Merry Christmas!