Wednesday, December 15, 2004
John 1:29-34
Today's Advent Reading
God made it clear to John the Baptist that Jesus was the Lamb of God, the one to take away the sins of the world. He did so by the sign of the Holy Spirit descending down on Jesus and staying with him--in the form of a dove.
God has given us many signs that Jesus came to the earth to take away our sins. He sent a star in the sky to light the way for the wise men and the shepherds. He sent the prophets in the Old Testament who foretold the birth of Jesus. He gave us his Word to point the way to salvation--he gave us other Christians who can testify to the One who saved them--and he gave us his Holy Spirit--the same one who descended on Jesus the day John baptized him.
Thank you, Lord, for giving us so many signs of your salvation. May I be ever aware of the Holy Spirit in my heart and the Word you have given me so others may see the signs as well. Amen.