Thursday, December 16, 2004
1 Corinthians 4:1-5
Today's Advent Reading
Sometimes when I see others who have a different lifestyle than mine, I find myself ready to judge them for choosing a sinful life. I think that if people would only work harder, or get off drugs, they could live a productive life. But what I need to do is focus on my own self--and not really even that--but focus on the standard God has for us all.
God is the ultimate judge--and as he came to earth the first time as a baby--he will come again as King and Judge. We should not spend our time judging others--or even ourselves--but look at God's standard. We all fall short of that, and cannot think of ourselves as better than anyone else.
Thankfully God sent a Savior at Christmastime to take away our sins. He will judge us favorably if we have given our hearts and lives to him. Let us live in his favor today and every day, thankful for the forgiveness he gives through Christ.