Wednesday, December 29, 2004
1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Today's Scripture
When I started this blog, I wasn't sure if I was really qualified to be writing about my thoughts on the Scripture. I've attended Christian colleges and I've taken theology and Bible classes, and I've been to my share of Bible studies and Sunday school classes in my 47 years. But I'm not a theologian or a minister. Do I really have anything to say to anyone?
But even if I'm not a philosopher or scholar, I can read the Bible and share what I have learned. This scripture speaks of how God uses what the world views as foolish. He chose the lowly things of this world to proclaim his wisdom.
So, as we study and share, we may proclaim the wisdom of the Lord, and boast in him and not in ourselves. Thanks be to God for elevating the small and not who the world considers wise.