Friday, November 05, 2004
Ruth 3
The events of Ruth 3 may seem odd if not scandalous to the 21st century reader. After all, Ruth approaches an older man who is sleeping (albeit at the threshing floor), uncovers his feet and lies down to wait for him to wake up and instruct her. She also was wearing her best clothes and perfume. Naomi had instructed Ruth to do this, because she knew Boaz to be an honorable man and a possible husband for her widowed daughter-in-law.
True to his character, Boaz woke and honored Ruth for her faithfulness to her mother-in-law and her willingness to do all she asked. He did not in any way try to take advantage of the situation, but sent Ruth back to Naomi with a shawl full of grain and a promise to be her kinsman redeemer if another who might fit the role declined.
I love these stories in the Bible that have unusual twists and turns. God can take situations that may appear unseemly and turn them into good things. When we are in his will, as Ruth was, we are rewarded with the knowledge that we are pleasing him and in the palm of his hand. And when we are out of his will, he can redeem us and set our feet back on the path of following him.