Blogging for Light
Monday, November 29, 2004
Matthew 21:1-9
Today's Advent Reading

For the next few weeks before Christmas, I plan to write from advent devotional texts. Several years ago, I edited an advent devotional booklet for our church. Each day preceding advent, different church members wrote on various Scripture texts relating to Jesus and his coming. Our pastor selected the Scriptures, and I would like to use these same texts in this blog for this special season. Some may not seem very "Christmasy," but they all relate to Jesus. There will be texts from Old Testament prophecies, verses from the life of Christ in the Gospels, Psalms, and readings from epistles in the New Testament.

Today's reading is about Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the week before he was to be crucified. He came riding a lowly donkey, not as a king on a white horse, but he was hailed with palm branches and shouts of "hosanna!"

Jesus' mother Mary rode to Bethlehem with her husband, Joseph at her side. She rode on a donkey, just before she was to give birth to Jesus. The faithful animal, a work animal, not a prized animal, carried the Savior as he was in the womb and at the end of his life.

Jesus had humble beginnings and lived a life of humility--after all, he was God, but came to earth to be a man to relate to us and save us from our sins. He is, and always has been, a king, but chose not to wear that mantle as he was here on earth. Now, we can worship him as king, and also follow his example of humility as we relate to other people. No matter what our station in life, Jesus wants us to be servants, as he was. Let us praise him for his nobility, thank him for his service, and seek to follow his example.

Thank you, Lord, for lowering yourself to become like us. Thank you for the donkey and the example of its faithfulness, willingness to work, and its humility. May we seek to serve you and others as you have served us.

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