Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Jonah 4
Jonah's Anger at the Lord 's Compassion
I have always wished that there were more to the Jonah story--that it didn't end so abruptly with Jonah in his pouting mode. Why didn't Jonah remember the great prayer he prayed in chapter 2? Why did he not rejoice that so many people were turning from wickedness to God? Why didn't he rejoice that God used him to turn the hearts of these people to the Lord?
The question God asked is left out there, hanging, for us to ponder. "Should I not be concerned about that great city?" God asks.
Sometimes I am so self-focused I do not see the needs of those around me, including my own family. I am very in tune to my feelings, my frustrations, and my hurts that the needs of those around me can go overlooked. I need to see the world through God's eyes, starting with my family. I need to do the work God would have me to do without protesting. And when others benefit from the goodness of God's grace and he uses me to that end, I need to rejoice and not look at what I may gain or lose by that benefit.
Chapter 5 of Jonah can be written by any one of us. If I'm Jonah, I would like to come in repentance before God and thank him for the opportunity to serve him. I would embrace my former enemies as friends and help them find a new and growing faith in a gracious God.
Perhaps we should all work on writing the next chapter of Jonah. Will God provide a vine or a worm, or both? No matter what the outcome of his provision, we know that we can trust in him and come to him, seeking his love and forgiveness.