Friday, October 22, 2004
Mark 15:21-32
The Crucifixion
Not only was Jesus mocked by the soliders who lead him to and then carried out the crucifixion, but once he was on the cross, he was between two robbers who were also crucified (and still insulted Jesus), and he endured the insults of the chief priests and teachers of the law who mocked him.
In verse 31, we read the mocking comment, "He saved others, but he can't save himself!" Jesus could have called a legion of angels to come to save him, but he endured the pain and shame of the cross so we could have eternal salvation. He was willing to undergo the scoffing and torture and the paralysis of the cross so we could have life and freedom.
I hope I can be grateful and mindful of his sacrifice every day, coming to him in worship and adoration for all he has done for me.