Blogging for Light
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Mark 14:27-31
Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial

Jesus tells his disciples that they will all fall away as the Old Testament scripture predicted "I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered." (Zechariah 13:7, NIV) Of course the disciples boldly claim that they would not scatter, but would stand by him even if all left him. Peter proclaimed this most confidently, but he is the one who denied Jesus three times after Jesus' arrest.

I find it interesting and a cause of great hope that Jesus adds that, even though they will scatter, after he is risen, he will go ahead of them into Galilee. They seem to completely miss the fact that Jesus is promising to come back after his death, focusing instead on the proclaimed abadonment of their Savior.

In the book of Acts, the church faces persecution after the death of Stephen, the first martyr. In this case, the church scatters because of this, but it is a good thing, because the message of the gospel is taken to regions beyond Jerusalem and Judea. Yet it is also interesting that the apostles remain in Jerusalem, a sort of headquarters for the church. In Acts, empowered by the Holy Spirit, they are truly fearless and boldly proclaim the gospel in spite of opposition.

When I am frightened or feel weak, I want to ask the same Holy Spirit who filled the apostles for courage. And I know that even in difficulty, Jesus gives us hope and promise, and he fulfills his promises. He is alive--and we worship a risen Savior!

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