Mark 12:35-40
Whose Son Is the Christ
Jesus quotes the Old Testament here, as he asks the crowd how
David, in Psalm 110:1 said “the Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet. In
Mark 12:37,
Jesus goes on, “
David himself calls him ‘Lord.” How then can he be his son?” (NIV)
Jesus is pointing out to the crowd that he himself is the Lord, a descendant of David. The crowd was delighted with his teaching. Peter also quotes this verse in Psalms in Acts 2:34-35, teaching that Jesus was a descendant of David, and that Jesus had risen from the grave, unlike David whose bones were in his tomb. So Jesus is a risen Lord that we can worship today.
The teachers of the law wanted the people to believe that Jesus was a false teacher, but Jesus warns the crowd concerning them. He described them as hypocrites, marching around in flowing robes and taking seats of honor, but devouring widows’ houses and for show making lengthy prayers.
As we worship our risen Savior, we should be mindful of our attitudes about ourselves and how others view us. Are we haughty and dismissing of others? Or do we put Jesus and others above ourselves, as we read in yesterday’s passage. Seek the Lord first, and others next. That is the key to Christian living—the key to pleasing God and ultimately, the key to our own joy in serving Him.