Monday, October 04, 2004
Mark 12:18-27
Marriage at the Resurrection
The Sadducees are now asking Jesus questions about marriage and the resurrection. Jesus answers them by saying that there will be no marriage in heaven, and regarding the dead rising, God is the God of the living.
Jesus is the true resurrection, and we have life in him, even after we die. God told Moses his name is "I AM"--so that he is without beginning and ending, he is the God of now, of the living.
It is hard for me to imagine what heaven will be like--to be like the angels in heaven and have a new body. But Jesus promises new life in him in heaven. As a person in a good marriage, it's also hard for me to imagine no marriage in heaven. But I know that all believers will be the bride of Christ, and that my marriage now is just preparation for that great wedding day when we are joined together with Christ for eternity. And single people on earth can take heart, because their groom awaits them in heaven for the perfect marriage.
What a day that will be!