Blogging for Light
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Mark 12:13-17
Paying Taxes to Caesar

As self-employed people, my husband and I know exactly how much we pay in taxes every year. Tim makes quarterly payments, so he has to write a check four times a year in order to make sure that we won't get penalized for underpaying. So we are always grateful for any tax breaks, and are mindful of any excessive spending by our government. We are also grateful to live in a free society where we have so many liberties and where we can enjoy the services of government as well.

The Jews of Jesus day lived under an oppressive Roman government. They hated paying taxes, and hated tax collectors. They hated the inscription of Caesar on their money. Knowing the general consensus of the Jewish people about the Roman government, the Pharisees decided one more ploy to trap Jesus--they would ask his opinion about taxes.

But again, Jesus turns the tables, seeing right through their trap. "Give to Caesar what is Caesar and to God what is God's."

So, I guess our family should continue to pay taxes, with a grateful heart that we don't live under the oppression of Rome. And, we should give all of ourselves to God, who is gracious and loving, and who is the source of all good things.

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