Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Mark 9:2-13
The Transfiguration
The transfiguration of Jesus must have been an exciting and wonderful moment for Peter, James and John. To have seen Jesus in a dazzling state, talking with Elijah and Moses--it must have been a holy moment that may have overwhelmed them with awe and confirmed that Jesus was truly the Lord and Messiah. A voice from heaven did indeed confirm Jesus' divinity--God spoke and said, "This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!" (v 9)
This glorious moment came after Jesus had told his disciples about his coming suffering and death. They must have been discouraged and frightened by his words. How wonderful to get a glimpse of his glory and holiness when they must have been disheartened.
Still, they didn't understand everything. Peter (v 5) in his excitement, wants to erect shelters. They asked questions about Elijah--who did come before Jesus as John the Baptist. They didn't have the whole message of Jesus' coming figured out.
We do have the whole message (and the disciples eventually did, too--after the resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in Acts 2). And God still does show us the difficulties of following him--carrying our cross--and yet reveals, through his Word and the Holy Spirit--the glory that we will someday see. So, when I'm down, I need to remember to come to God and look for the hope that he always offers. One day I'll get to meet Moses and Elijah, too--and the best part will be seeing Jesus in all his glory.