Thursday, September 09, 2004
Mark 8:22-26
The Healing of a Blind Man at Bethsaida
This story of healing a blind man is interesting in that Jesus touched the man twice before his sight was completely restored. At his first touch, he could see, but not clearly--Jesus touched the man again, and everything was bright and fresh.
I remember the first time I got glasses. I was in first or second grade, and when I put them on, I couldn't believe how fresh and clean the world looked. I wanted to drink in all the bright clearness and enjoy this new look at God's creation and his people. Now, I'm in my 40s and wear contact lenses with reading glasses for close up work. The glasses/contacts worked for many years, but now I need additional help in seeing some things.
Sometimes we ask for God's touch for something in our lives, and we receive it. But he wants to be so generous with us--he wants to give us a bright and beautiful world. Unfortunately, sin clouds the beauty of the world God wants for us. But if we ask again--he can give us a new perspective--we can see through His eyes. Not through rose-colored glasses, but view the world as he does, and as he wants us to do. My prayer is to have this heavenly vision as I look out at those around me.