Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Mark 8:1-13
Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand
Jesus' compassion for the multitudes is again evident in this passage, as he feeds 4000 people who have come to hear his message. As with the feeding of the 5000, he enlisted the help of his disciples. As before, they asked Jesus where they could get food for this great crowd in such a remote area. Perhaps they realized that only Jesus himself could perform such a miracle, as before, or perhaps they were slow learners, unable to fathom the fact that Jesus could do such a feat again.
It seems there are times in my life where I am slow at learning about God's compassion and forget how he has worked in my own life. I may come upon a situation I have faced in the past, and ask God why I am being tried again, forgetting how he was with me, patiently teaching me then, as he is willing to do now. Like the disciples, I ask where I can get the resources to accomplish the task ahead of me. But, when I believe and put my hand in God's hand, I see that he can lead me as he has always led me.
I don't want to be like the Pharisees. Jesus would not give them a sign of his Lordship because they did not believe. I want to continually put my faith in Jesus, trusting him even when it is hard. I want to be like the man we'll read about in Mark 9, who asked for healing for his son, but was unsure of his faith Jesus responded to him, . "Everything is possible for him who believes." Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (v 23-24, NIV)