Thursday, September 23, 2004
Mark 10:32-34
Jesus Again Predicts His Death
Jesus again tells his disciples of his coming death and resurrection. This time, in Mark at least, there is no record of opposition to this statement, as there was earlier (see Mark 8:31-38). Jesus was preparing his disciples for what was to come. They probably dwelt on the part about Jesus suffering and death, not really hearing the part about his resurrection. In time they would understand, and Jesus was giving them this time by preparing them early on.
Sometimes we receive bad news and can't see any good in it--or at least not right away. It must have been horrible for the disciples to hear their beloved teacher and Lord speaking of his rejection, beating and death. Could they have comprehended what it meant--and did they hear the words, "Three days later he will rise"?
In tragic situations, often hope can be found if we look for it. Our greatest hope is in Jesus, and through his terrible suffering and death, came his resurrection and eternal life. Today, I will seek his hope, even in difficulty.