Blogging for Light
Monday, September 20, 2004
Mark 10:1-12

Divorce is so prevalent in our culture today--and it doesn't seem to matter whether you're a Christian or not. Some statistics show that the rate of divorce is even more for believers than unbelievers. It's just that Christians believe in marriage, so they tend to remarry more often--and unbelievers may never marry, but live with a partner, or they may not remarry after an initial divorce.

Sometimes divorce is not the fault of an individual. They may have been left by their spouse, not wishing for a divorce but forced into it. Or in an abusive situation, divorce seems the only option for the protection of the abused spouse and possibly children.

The Bible says that God hates divorce--Malachi 2:16 reads: "I hate divorce ," says the LORD God of Israel, "and I hate a man's covering himself [ 2:16 Or [ his wife ] ] with violence as well as with his garment," says the LORD Almighty. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.

God hates divorce, because his plan for the family was to have two parents in a loving relationship who guide their children to the Lord. But, he loves divorced people. We have all made mistakes and sinned, and God can heal the pain of divorce and be a father to the fatherless and a husband to those who are single.

Jesus was speaking here to the Pharisees, who were probably more concerned with trapping Jesus with their questions than finding out if they should treasure their wives. But rather than give an answer that may have dismissed women as second class, Jesus elevated women in his response, and in his ministry as well. Many women who followed supported Jesus.

As Christians in our world today, we need to work hard at our marriages to protect the family unit and pass on godly values. With God's help, we can turn the statistics around and be examples to the world rather than following the culture of pain.

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