Saturday, July 10, 2004
(To read the Bible online, click the link below)
Why do bad things happen to good people? I ask myself this question frequently. Why do my teenagers do things to disappoint me, even frighten me, when we have tried to raise them up in a godly home? Why do good people get terrible diseases and die young? Why would my boys' friend, age 16, decide life is not worth living and take her own life, leaving her parents to find her body, while family and friends grieve and continue to ask, why?
I do not pretend to have the answer to these questions, especially in this short blog. But the Bible is a good place to turn when we hurt. And in today's lesson, Paul sees what we would consider a bad thing, his imprisonment, as a good thing. The whole palace guard is aware that he is imprisoned for Christ's sake. Because of his chains, others are encouraged to speak the word of the Lord courageously.
And, even when some preach for their own benefit, perhaps to elevate themselves in some way, Paul doesn't focus on this, but is glad the word of God is preached. Often, we point out the faults of television preachers or others we disagree with, and often we criticize with good reason. But Paul points out that, whatever someone's motive, Christ is preached, and for this we should rejoice.
Sometimes I wish those I don't agree with would be silent. But if they are causing even one person to hear the name of Jesus and seek the Word of God, perhaps I should be the one who is silent and listens. I need to remember the words of Paul in I Corinthians 9:22: "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some."
Father, help me seek the good in difficult circumstances. Help me listen to those who opinions differ from mine, but who serve the same Lord. Amen.