Blogging for Light
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Philippians 4:1-3

Paul reminds his friends how he loves and longs for them, and summarizes by saying that his previous instructions are how they can stand firm in the Lord.

Then he goes on to point out a weakness among his friends. Even in the early church, under the instruction of Paul and in the power of the Holy Spirit, fellow believers still struggled with each other and argued. Here Paul publicly pleads with Euodia and Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord, reminding them that they have contended at his side for the sake of the gospel. This is a good reminder for us, when we have difficulties with fellow believers, to see that this is an age-old problem, but one that must be nipped in the bud. I think of the song, "And they'll know we are Christians by our love..." How can non-believers come or want to come to Christ if they see a lot of in-fighting or bickering?

We need to remember that our names are in the book of life, and we will be in eternity together. We can bring others along with us if, by example, we show love and compassion toward one another rather than petty fighting.

Lord, help me love my brothers and sisters in the faith with your love and demonstrate your caring and compassion to them as a witness to the world of your power and love. Amen.

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